We conduct a health awareness day annually where experienced medical experts volunteer their time to provide knowledge and advice. We examine BMI, blood pressure and Blood sugar levels to verify the health of those who would like to be examined.
The Health awareness day was held on Saturday 25/05/2013 at Surrey Tamil School (Based at Coombe Boys School) from 9.30 to 2 pm.
We started off the day with a talk on Diabetes by Dr Nithyananthan. Parents had a chance to ask questions related to various aspects of diabetes and it was a very interesting and useful interactive session.
Then we had the health screening session conducted by tamil speaking doctors. The doctors participated in this session were Dr S Rammanaohar,Dr G Divaharan,Dr T Gowripalann,Dr I Kumar,Dr K Wijeyasingam and Dr M Gowripalann.
We took brief history, examined height, weight BMI, Blood pressure and Blood sugar.
The session was attended by 46 people and the significant problems identified were weight related issues and Blood pressure related problems. The attendees also had a chance to discuss various problems with the doctors in an individual basis.
We also gave opportunistic health education on various matters related to weight problems, importance of blood pressure control, healthy eating and exercise habits.
We also referred patients to their own GP for further assessment and follow up when problems were identified.
The session came to an end with a question and answer session on high blood pressure, cholesterol problems and weight problems.
As there was no communication barrier and there was good understanding of cultural and life style back ground between the doctors and the attendees the session was well received and most of the parents were very happy with the session. They also wanted more sessions to be conducted in future.
As practicing medical doctors we also felt that this session gave us an opportunity to do something useful to our community and we also had great satisfaction from doing it.
We have also included some feedback comments.
Copyright Surrey Tamil School 2016-2018