STS Child Protection Policy is to follow the procedures laid down by the local authority.
STS is encouraged and supported by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames to develop child protection procedures consistent with the following procedures.
STS ensures that all staff and volunteers:
have been checked for suitability for working with children and understand the extent and limits of the volunteers role;
are sensitive to the possibility of child abuse and neglect in all environments in which they have responsibility for children;
have access to training opportunities to promote their knowledge;
know how to report any concerns they have about possible abuse or neglect;
are vigilant about their own actions so they cannot be misinterpreted.
have guidelines about the care of children in the absence of parents, which respect the rights of the child and the responsibilities of adults toward them;
have guidelines about safe caring practices e.g. not being alone with children without alerting others to the reason, ensuring all allegations, however minor, are reported to the Child Protection Officer/ Head Master;
have nominated a senior volunteer of the administration to take responsibility for drawing up and maintaining policy for child protection;
have links with local authority in relation to both general and specific child protection matters;
Whenever there is concern that a child has been abused or neglected STS will refer the matter without delay to the duty social worker for the area in which the child lives. STS may also contact the duty social worker for informal advice.
Copyright Surrey Tamil School 2016-2018